The Economic Impact of Assisting Small FirmsThe Uncertain Road to Recovery Overview Since 2019, each year CSBDF has released an analysis of the economic impacts of its small...
Oak City Biz Labs Final ReportBetween September 2022 and April 2023, Carolina Small Business Development Fund (CSBDF) awarded 88 grants totaling $2,189,646 to small...
Lending Economic Impact Analysis Evaluation of Lending Outcomes, Updated Annually FINDINGS SUMMARY CSBDF’s releases annual aggregate economic impact numbers for its...
City of Raleigh COVID-19 Relief Fund: Survey of BeneficiariesEvaluation of Agency Contract Outputs FINDINGS SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Raleigh, Carolina Small Business (CSBDF) administered a...
Innovator’s Journey Program: Outcome Evaluation AssessmentEvaluation of Business Solutions Program Outcomes FINDINGS SUMMARY The Innovator’s Journey (INJ) program, carried out by CSBDF in...
Latino Program (Programa Empersarial Latino): Evaluation of Lending OutcomesEvaluation of Latino Program Technical Assistance Process FINDINGS SUMMARY Carolina Small Business’s Latino Program serves North...
Employment Impact Measurement ProceduresDefinitions and Methodology for Employment Survey, Updated Annually POLICY SUMMARY Carolina Small Business’s programmatic interventions...
Research Agenda Rationale and Theoretical BasisResearch and Policy Program Standards, Updated Annually POLICY SUMMARY Carolina Small Business Development Fund seeks to contribute to...
Theory of Change and Role of Program EvaluationOrganizational Framework and Evaluation Standards, Updated Annually POLICY SUMMARY Carolina Small Business Development Fund seeks to...